The Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, together with the European Union, organizes a conference on the effectiveness of justice systems.

The event will take place on 30 November in Vienna, Austria, and will include opening speeches by European Commissioner Vera Jourová and Josef Moser, Austrian Federal Minister of Constitutional Affairs, Reforms, Deregulation and Justice. The aim of the conference is to take stock of the efforts undertaken across Europe to improve the effectiveness of justice, as well as to examine how the EU can further support these efforts. The independence, quality and efficiency of justice systems are crucial for upholding the values upon which the EU is founded, for the implementation of EU law, for mutual trust and for an investment‑friendly environment.

The organizers provide a background paper on the risk and opportunities of digitalisation in the judiciary paving the ground for three major discussion topics:

How can digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence contribute to the quality of justice systems?

How to address the risks and challenges involved in the digitalisation of the justice systems, including the use of Artificial Intelligence?

What are the latest trends in the European "legal tech" industry (using technology and software to provide legal services), and how would these developments reshape the European market of legal services?

Source: Austrian Presidency of the Council of European Union