The 7th Europol-INTERPOL Cybercrime Conference is held at Europol’s headquarters in The Hague on 09-11 October 2019. Under the theme 'Law enforcement in a connected future', the three-day event brings together the management of cybercrime units from around the world with partners from academia, international organisations, CERTs and private industry to strengthen cooperation in preventing and combatting cybercrime worldwide. This joint initiative, first held in 2013, alternates every year between Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) in The Hague and the INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation in Singapore.
A special session on constructing the future of cross-border access to electronic evidence is dedicated to the perfect storm that is the access to electronic evidence nowadays throwing light on the most recent legislative developments and high-level discussions with contributions by: Mr Virgil Spiridon, Head of Operations, Cybercrime Programme Office - Council of Europe; Ms Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Acting Head of Cybercrime Unit, DG Home - European Commission; and Mr Richard Downing, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice. EVIDENCE2e-CODEX is honored to be part of this session, with our two cents on the topic focusing on the practical implementation of the exchange of cyber-investigation information between organisations and across borders using CASE, presented by Mattia Epifani and Nikolaos Matskanis.
Digital investigations that span organizations and borders can benefit from automated exchange of electronic evidence in a standardized format in multiple ways. EVIDENCE2e-CODEX Project is investigating the exchange protocols and workflows and is developing an architecture that includes: a prototype application, supporting services and a representation language for the exchange of the cyber-investigation information.
Our presentation demonstrates the benefits of using the Cyber-investigation Analysis Standard Expression (CASE), an evolving, community-developed standard, which is intended to serve the needs of the broadest possible range of cyber-investigation domains. It explains the collaboration workflows between organisations and across country boundaries for the exchange of electronic evidence, as well as the tools and services that have been developed and deployed by the EVIDENCE2e-CODEX Project in support of these workflows.
In addition, the secure infrastructure deployed by e-CODEX (e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange) is also explained, as EVIDENCE2e-CODEX is currently using the e-CODEX transfer services for the information exchange between criminal justice entities in Europe.
You can read more about the event here and here.