Have you recently checked our Deliverables Section?

In the Work Package 3 ‘Matching EVIDENCE into e-CODEX and Linking to Other EU Member States’ sub-page you can find all technical reports produced by EVIDENCE2e-CODEX, including short summaries.

Three deliverables, namely Deliverables 3.1. Interim workshop with digital forensic and legal experts on the formal language for the evidence exchange representation, Deliverables 3.2. Interim workshop on Electronic Evidence Standard Proposal application with digital forensic and legal experts, and Deliverables 3.3. Final workshop with digital forensic and legal experts on the formal language for the evidence exchange representation, report on the results from the 2018-2019 validation events and the overall progress on the Evidence Exchange Standard Package Application development.

The last two reports - Deliverables 3.4. Report on options for large file handling and Deliverables 3.5. Functional, technical description of the code for the show case, review specific features and issues encountered by the technical team and evidence for the final Evidence Exchange Standard Package Application functionality.

Enjoy reading!