The Digital Forensic Research Workshop (DFRWS) is a non-profit, volunteer organization, located in U.S.A. and dedicated to the sharing of knowledge and ideas about digital forensics research. DFRWS has a long history of being the foremost digital forensics research venue and has decided to hold a sister conference to bring the same opportunities to Europe.

The seventh annual European edition - DFRWS EU 2020, will take place on March 25-28, 2020, in the UK, at the University of Oxford. One more time, the agenda includes a dedicated workshop on the use of the CASE language for cyber-investigation interoperability.

The CASE Community is an international consortium with members from for-profit, academic, government and law enforcement, and non-profit organizations, which has created a new specification for the exchange of standardized cyber-investigation data between tools, systems, and organizations. The open-source Cyber-investigation Analysis Standard Expression (CASE) is a community-developed ontology designed to serve as a standard for interchange, interoperability, and analysis of investigative information in a broad range of cyber-investigation domains, including digital forensic science, incident response, counter-terrorism, criminal justice, forensic intelligence, and situational awareness. The CASE Workshop at DFRWS EU 2020 will begin with an update about the growing CASE community and its progress on the new version of CASE, and proceed through practical applications of CASE, including examples. Presenters will explain the CASE adoption process and offer a demonstration of mapping the data model for a forensic tool to the CASE ontology. This session builds on the CASE Workshop presented at DFRWS EU 2019, but newcomers are encouraged to attend and participate.

The EVIDENCE2eCODEX Project works extensively on transferring information (electronic evidence) in CASE format between European countries over the secure e-CODEX infrastructure and is one of CASE's first implementation examples.