EVIDENCE (GA 608185, 2014-2016), being the predecessor of EVIDENCE2e-CODEX, has established an overview of legal frameworks on the use and exchange of electronic evidence, worked on common definitions of the concept of evidence, and identified a technical standard for the exchange of electronic evidence.

In composing the overview of existing standards for handling electronic evidence, a huge number of digital forensics tools have been gathered. Subsequently, this led to the development of a Digital Forensics Tools Catalogue, concerning tools for the acquisitive and analysis phases as described at different levels of details by the ISO/IEC standards, especially 27037 'Information technology -- Security techniques -- Guidelines for identification, collection, acquisition and preservation of digital evidence', 27042 'Information technology -- Security techniques -- Guidelines for the analysis and interpretation of digital evidence' and 27043 'Information technology -- Security techniques -- Incident investigation principles and processes'.

The Catalogue represents the overview of forensics tools for handling digital evidence, generally accepted in the EU Member States and it has been consolidated and integrated on the basis of the research gathered during the EVIDENCE project by the Institute of Legal Information Theory and Technique of the National Research of Council of Italy, being both Project Coordinator and 'Standard Issues' Work Package Leader.

Digital Forensics Tools Catalogue was launched in February 2015, comprising over 1.200 tools. It has been developed ever since and currently provides information on the most significant digital forensics tools related to:

  • acquisition: 464 tools; and
  • analysis: 1045 tools;

with a total number of over 1500 software tools collected so far (dated: March 2019).