The EU is committed to further improving access to justice across the EU by continuing to develop European e-Justice.

The Council today adopted the strategy and action plan on the development of e-Justice for the period 2019-2023. E-Justice is a policy through which access to justice is simplified and improved while cross-border legal procedures are digitalised. e-Justice is not limited to one particular field of law, and is aimed at citizens, companies, legal practitioners and judicial authorities.

During the period 2019-2023, the work on e-justice will be focused on 3 key objectives:

  • Improve access to information in the area of justice
  • Continue the digitalisation of judicial and extrajudicial proceedings to offer easier and faster access to the courts
  • Ensure the technical implementation and management of the national e-justice systems to facilitate interconnection and interoperability between member states' systems.

The e-Justice portal is the main tool which has been developed to improve access to information in the area of justice. It contains information pages, search tools and dynamic forms in an effort to improve and facilitate user experience. The portal will be further developed and expanded during the next action plan.

Both the Strategy and the Action Plan are available at the Council of the European Union website here.

Source: Council of the European Union