The 'Intelligence Network & Secure Platform for Evidence Correlation and Transfer' (INSPECTr) Project is to develop a shared intelligent platform and a novel process for gathering, analyzing, prioritizing and presenting key data to help in the prediction, detection and management of crime in support of multiple agencies at local, national and international level. This data will originate from the outputs of free and commercial digital forensic tools complemented by online resource gathering.

Using both structured and unstructured data as input, the developed platform will facilitate the ingestion and homogenization of this data with increased levels of automation, allowing for interoperability between outputs from multiple data formats. Various knowledge discovery techniques will allow the investigator to visualize and bookmark important evidential material and export it to an investigative report. In addition to providing basic and advanced (cognitive) cross-correlation analysis with existing case data, this technique will aim to improve knowledge discovery across exhibit analysis within a case, between separate cases and ultimately, between interjurisdictional investigations.

INSPECTr's Work Package 2 is dedicated to the development of a Reference Framework for Standardization of Evidence Representation and Exchange (SERE), building upon the results of EVIDENCE and EVIDENCE2e-CODEX projects and the further development of the CASE language (to be used for SERE) and its application in the Reference Implementation Portal by the EC. Providing a Reference Framework for SERE aims at:

orchestrating ‘standard’ solutions for forensic investigations across EU LEAs;

parsing of outputs of forensics tools to conform to standards;

specifying provenance requirements for a CASE management system;

defining an Information Exchange Policy to formalize obligations and controls for information;

sharing and standardizing data protection markings.

A presentation on the achievements of the EVIDENCE and EVIDENCE2e-CODEX projects to serve as a basis for the future work on INSPECTr was made during the project kick-off meeting, 18-20 September 2019, in Dublin, Ireland. It served to familiarize the project partners with the main results and to deliver a true-to-life example of a use-case at hand.