The kick-off meeting of the “EVIDENCE2e-CODEX Linking EVIDENCE into e-CODEX for EIO and MLA procedures in Europe” Project (EVIDENCE2e-CODEX) was held in Florence, Italy, on 7-8 March 2018.

The project will pursue several main objectives:

  • To create a legally valid instrument for the exchange of digital evidence related to MLA and EIO procedures over e-CODEX;
  • To provide the legal and technical communities involved with ‘ready to use’ information on EIO, digital evidence and e-CODEX;
  • To develop a ‘true to life’ example of how electronic evidence can be shared over e-CODEX in a secure and standardized way to support MLA and EIO cases;
  • To develop a theoretical approach for ‘large file handling’ if possible followed by a specification for the practical implementation, as digital evidence could come in ‘large size’;
  • To develop and work towards the implementation of an Action Plan and Guidelines for EU-wide implementation of the ‘true to life’ example.

During the meeting, the partners discussed and approved key aspects of the project future development including its stages and the overall implementation plan, and outlined the dissemination and evaluation strategies and criteria.

More than 40 partners’ experts took part in the initial project meeting. Members of the ‘Electronic Xchange of e-Evidences with e-CODEX’ (EXEC) and representatives of EC, DG Justice and Consumers, were special guests of the event.