On 23 November 2018 a top-level expert roundtable on the topic "Quo vadis eEvidence?" discussed recent developments in the field of data exchange in prosecution and fight against serious crime within the EU.
Moderated by Univ.-Prof. Nikolaus Forgó, contributions were made by
- Lani Cossette, Director EU Government Affairs, Microsoft
- Christian Pilnacek, Secretary General, Federal Ministry of Constitutional Affairs, Reforms, Deregulation and Justice
- Emily Johnson, Research Associate on eEvidence, University of Vienna
- Mathias Preuschl, Partner at PHH Attorneys at Law
After a light lunch at 12am, each speaker gave a short presentation, followed by a joint discussion.
University of Vienna (via the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law) is a partner in the EVIDENCE2e-CODEX project and is responsible for the analysis on how data protection implications in EIO and MLA procedures are being handled and to identify legal and/or operation measures that need to be put in place to ensure respect to data protection rights (as part of WP2 'Legal Issues'). Their findings are expected soon! Stay tuned!