EVIDENCE2e-CODEX aims at creating a legally valid instrument to exchange digital evidence related to MLA and EIO procedures over e-CODEX by providing the legal and technical communities with ‘ready to use’ information on EIO, digital evidence and e-CODEX and a ‘true to life’ example of how electronic evidence can be shared over e-CODEX in a secure and standardized way to support MLA and EIO cases. The Evidence Exchange Standard Package (EESP) application represents the heart and soul of this technical solution. Learn more about project activities and added value.

WP3 Team organized their first technical meeting on 9-10 April 2018 in The Hague with the following aims:

  • identifying the position of the Evidence Exchange Standard Package (EESP) application in the overall picture for electronic evidence change and its relationships and impacts on the e-CODEX platform;
  • getting a clearer idea on e-CODEX and the EVIDENCE2e-CODEX-related projects e-Evidence and EXEC;
  • defining use cases for CASE;
  • discussing EESP application architecture and development;


The „Electronic Xchange of e-Evidences with e-CODEX“ Project (EXEC) is part of the e-CODEX family and enables the participating Member States to exchange European Investigation Orders (EIO) and related e-evidences fully electronically through existing national back end solutions or the Reference Implementation provided by the European Commission. The e-CODEX Building Blocks (DOMIBUS Gateway and Connector) build the exchange infrastructure to facilitate the electronic delivery of EIO and e-evidences.

e-Evidence Digital Exchange System is an in-house DG Justice and Consumers project envisaged to facilitate MLA and EIO procedures.

Cyber-investigation Analysis Standard Expression (CASE) is a community-developed standard format, which is intended to serve the needs of the broadest possible range of cyber-investigation domains, including digital forensic science, incident response, and counter-terrorism. CASE is defined as a profile of the Unified Cyber Ontology (UCO). CASE leverages contextually relevant components of the UCO extending, constraining or renaming them as appropriate.CASE is specified at a semantic level and supports various serializations. The default serialization for CASE is JSON-LD.

Six Consortium partners participated in the meeting.