EVIDENCE2e-CODEX Project focuses on:

  • Preparing the floor for the piloting of electronic exchange of electronic evidence in all the EU MS and to generate the context for the future realization of secure and trusted exchange of electronic evidences in the specific scenario of the European Investigation Order (EIO) and Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) procedures
  • Raising awareness on the potentialities of secure exchange of electronic evidence in EU
  • Cross-fertilizing actors and procedures in the electronic evidence exchange framework, including professionalization, and fill existing challenges and gaps
  • Implementing a ‘true to life’ example of successfully linking the EVIDENCE Project to e-CODEX Project’s results in support of an EIO case (to be tested on an operational MLA/EIO connection in at least two Member States)
  • Developing (a) an approach for ‘large file handling’ and, if possible, (b) a specification for the practical implementation considering the conditions, criteria and necessary impact measures to be implemented from legal, technological and sociological point of view (including training) towards extending this example to all EU Member States
  • Initiating the harmonization of the legal and technological frameworks and the stakeholder awareness on the treatment and the exchange of electronic evidence in the EIO and MLA procedures, including the relationship and the approach to be adopted when dealing with internet service providers (ISPs)
  • Raising awareness on the potential of secure exchange of electronic evidence across EU
  • Building-up a methodology for extending the secure electronic evidence exchange to all Member States
  • Contributing to the fight against cyber terrorism and other crimes in Europe and
  • Enhancing the international cooperation with Internet service providers.

With respect to project objectives, EVIDENCE2e-CODEX will provide the following specific outputs:

  • Comprehensive understanding of large file handling and identification of requirements and challenges towards secure electronic evidence exchange
  • Three workshops with legal and technical communities dedicated to the secure electronic evidence exchange
  • A ‘true to life’ example developed by successfully linking the EVIDENCE Project to e-CODEX Project’s results in support of an EIO case (Exchange Tool, including packaging and un-packaging)
  • An Action plan and guidelines for consolidation and EU-wide implementation of the ‘true to life’ example
  • A data protection framework for maintaining the security and integrity of electronic evidence that is being electronically exchanged
  • A standardized approach for representing and exchanging electronic evidence in support of an EIO case, while ensuring interoperability and interconnection of existing systems and solutions
  • Final project event with stakeholders involved into the cross-fertilization action.