- public prosecutors, judges, lawyers and law enforcement officers from EU Member States who deal with crimes where electronic evidence are used for proving innocence or guilt, anti-terrorism measures or fighting against cybercrime;
- policy makers at national and European level, as they are the ones that have to support the change and may be requested to implement the necessary impact measures to allow the exchange of electronic evidence having legal value in domestic jurisdictions;
- Ministries of Justice of EU Member States who have the key role in facilitating and putting in place the measure for enhancing the exchange of electronic evidence;
- EU bodies and agencies, i.e. EUROJUST, EUROPOL, OLAF - Digital Forensic Unit and DPO, who need to facilitate the exchange of electronic evidence for those crimes where more than one EU Member State is involved;
- international institutions i.e. INTERPOL, International Criminal Court, etc.;
- digital forensic software companies developing tools for the acquisition and analysis of electronic evidence;
- internet service providers and tech companies, owning the majority of information ready to become evidences in an electronic format;
- research and academia institutions, working in the field of e-justice and electronic evidence –related aspects; and
- other EU-funded projects, i.e. Me-CODEX, LASIE, e-Crime, GIFT, e-CODEX, e-Sens, EA-Fit Tools etc., dealing with technical aspects of e-evidence delivery and exchange.
Members of all stakeholder groups will be heavily involved in the project activities, discussing and validating project results through a serious of public events, workshops and surveys.