Learn more about EVIDENCE2e-CODEX
We aim at creating a legally valid instrument to exchange digital evidence related to MLA and EIO procedures over e-CODEX by providing the legal and technical communities with ‘ready to use’ information on EIO, digital evidence and e-CODEX and a ‘true to life’ example of how electronic evidence can be shared over e-CODEX in a secure and standardized way to support MLA and EIO cases. Learn more about project activities and added value.
Check out our latest activities
We regularly publish information about our activities and interesting information about digital evidence and their exchange across Europe. Find out more on the EVIDENCE2e-CODEX most recent developments.
Check out events
EVIDENCE2e-CODEX organizes events for legal and technical communities on digital evidence and their exchange within MLA and EIO procedures. Find the one that you are most interested in.